
    başlık yok! burası bom boş!
  1. 201.
  2. 202.
    Panpa ben profesyonel çevirmenlik vs yaptım aslında sahura kadar sana i kıyak geçeriz ama bunun dışarıda bedeli 20 tl civarında.. karşılıksız olarak bilen adamlara yaptırabileceğin birşey değil yani.. yapıyorsa da eyvallah çekmen lazım harbiden..
  3. 203.
    شسيشسييبجليبكلميبةلميسةلميلةمسينبةلمسيوبلة ميسبنلةيسملنةسيبملنيةبسلمسينبلمنيسبلةمسيلنيسسبلس
    شسيشسييبجليبكلميبةلميسةلميلةمسينبةلمسيوبلة ميسبنلةيسملنةسيبملنيةبسلمسينبلمنيسبلةمسيلنيسسبلس
    شسيشسييبجليبكلميبةلميسةلميلةمسينبةلمسيوبلة ميسبنلةيسملنةسيبملنيةبسلمسينبلمنيسبلةمسيلنيسسبلس
    شسيشسييبجليبكلميبةلميسةلميلةمسينبةلمسيوبلة ميسبنلةيسملنةسيبملنيةبسلمسينبلمنيسبلةمسيلنيسسبلس
    شسيشسييبجليبكلميبةلميسةلميلةمسينبةلمسيوبلة ميسبنلةيسملنةسيبملنيةبسلمسينبلمنيسبلةمسيلنيسسبلسشسيشسييبجليبكلميبةلميسةلميلةمسينبةلمسيوبلة ميسبنلةيسملنةسيبملنيةبسلمسينبلمنيسبلةمسيلنيسسبلس شسيشسييبجليبكلميبةلميسةلميلةمسينبةلمسيوبلة ميسبنلةيسملنةسيبملنيةبسلمسينبلمنيسبلةمسيلنيسسبلس
    شسيشسييبجليبكلميبةلميسةلميلةمسينبةلمسيوبلة ميسبنلةيسملنةسيبملنيةبسلمسينبلمنيسبلةمسيلنيسسبلس
    شسيشسييبجليبكلميبةلميسةلميلةمسينبةلمسيوبلة ميسبنلةيسملنةسيبملنيةبسلمسينبلمنيسبلةمسيلنيسسبلسشسيشسييبجليبكلميبةلميسةلميلةمسينبةلمسيوبلة ميسبنلةيسملنةسيبملنيةبسلمسينبلمنيسبلةمسيلنيسسبلسرشسيشسييبجليبكلميبةلميسةلميلةمسينبةلمسيوبلة ميسبنلةيسملنةسيبملنيةبسلمسينبلمنيسبلةمسيلنيسسبلس
    panpa kusura bakma arapça biliyorum arapça çevirebildim
  4. 204.
    Among kurds which worry about nationalism are being told this topic. This report is known that first report of republican period. After preventing rebellion of Seyh Sait, east of country where he traveled over the 10 cities that Renda shared his ideas about population of kurds whose population has reached majority number so Renda defend to apply Turcification policy. Renda was not happy about kurdish which is spoken by kurds, it seemed to coup to national belonging. yeter bu kadar sana :D
  5. 205.
    Among the Kurds 'from the growing nationalism' is transferred Concern. Republican period, the first Kurdish problem report is known as the Printed Sheikh Said rebellion followed in the light of the impression shared by touring the city on the east 10 Renda, Kurds in the region where the majority 'Turkification policies of the' ought to be savunuyor.k URT of giving their own language monitoring national belonging, a seen as blow Randa, Turkish speech 'incentives' for the region argues that the removal of difficulties in the works to speak Kurdish. Reports pointing to the key role of language, due to form the basis of the state's approach poses great importance.
    Also hidden in the region stated that the armament should be avoided Randa wants to be weakened tribes in the region.
    Diyarbakır (Ergani), Mardin, Siirt, Sanliurfa (Siverek), Tunceli (Dersim) governor for his acquired in a meeting based on the information you Uyba, Well Said rebellion provides the peace of the state's tough stance in the process of suppression, but the form that it was led to a backlash against the government by the public is located in the detection problem. You Uyba sees foreign forces behind the movement of Kurdish in the region, pointing to the role of Britain and France take the problem. Uybadın include solutions for the location given by the Kurdish issue in the report, there is also the policy of forced resettlement. Uber did, 'Kurdish villages to accommodate the Turks', 'remove the Christian minorities in the region,' 'the promotion of the westward migration of the eastern population' and 'martial law is declared' stands out with such policies.
    Uğraşamadım al gugıl güzel çeviri yaptı
  6. 206.
    türkçeye 10 tlye çeviririm
  7. 207.
    uplama birazdan burdan paylaşıcam. çeviriyorum.
  8. 208.
    transferring the fear for growing nationalism in the kürdish. it's know first report of kürdish problem to the republican period.
    After the supressing rebellion of şeyh sait , Randa visiting the city on the east 10 share, in light of the impressions ,
    he believe with the turkification policy implement in the crowded kurdish area. Renda perceive the coup of the national belonging of the Kurds speak their own language.
    Also he believe to make trouble to kurds of speaking kurdish for encouraging speaking turkish. it's very important because The report of Pointing to pivotal role of language is making basic approach of government.

    panpa uykum var. işimde var kaçacam o yüzden. bu kadarını çevirebildim. zaten endonezyalı çevirisi gibi oldu. çok özenemedim. yanlışlar vardır mutlaka. çevirdiğim kısım yukarda. türkçesi de aşağıda kalanını kendine göre hesap et.

    kürtler arasında artan milliyetçilikten duyulan endişe aktarılıyor cumhuriyet dönemi’nin ilk kürt sorunu raporu olarak biliniyor bastırılan Şeyh sait isyanı’nın ardından doğudaki 10’un üzerinde şehri gezerek paylaştığı izlenimler ışığında renda kürtlerin çoğunlukta olduğu bölgede türkleştirme politikası izlemenin gerektiğini savunuyor k ürtlerin kendi dillerini yaşatıyor olmasını milli aidiyete bir darbe olarak gören renda türkçe konuşmaya teşvik için bölgede kürtçe konuşanlara işlerinde zorluk çıkarılmasını savunuyor dilin anahtar rolüne işaret eden rapor devletin yaklaşımının temellerini oluşturması sebebiyle büyük önem teşkil ediyor

    burayı çevirdim ben. işini görür umarım. iyi geceler.
  9. 209.
    Среди курдов от растущего национализма »передается беспокойство. Республиканский период, первый курдский Сообщить о проблеме известен как печатных Шейх Саид бунт последовал в свете впечатление разделяют поездку по городу на восточном 10 Ренда, курды в регионе, где большинство "отуречивания политика" должно быть savunuyor.k URT дать свой собственный национальный мониторинг языковой принадлежности, рассматривается как удар Ранда, турецкие слова »стимулы" для региона считает, что удаление трудностей в работах говорить курдском языке. Отчеты, указывающие на ключевую роль языка, в связи с образованием основой подхода государства представляет большую важность.
    Также скрыты в регионе заявил, что вооружение следует избегать Ранда хочет быть ослаблены племена в регионе.
    Диярбакыр (Эграни), Мардин, Сиирт, Шанлыурфа (Сиверек), Тунджели (Дерсим) губернатору на приобрела в заседании на основании информации, которую вы Уйба, хорошо сказал восстание обеспечивает душевное жесткой позиции государства в процессе подавления, но форма, которую она привела к обратной реакции против правительства со стороны общественности находится в задаче обнаружения. Вы Уйба видит иностранные войска за движением курдов в регионе, указывая на роль Великобритании и Франции принять проблему. Uybadın включают решения для местоположения, полученного курдского вопроса в докладе, существует также политика насильственного переселения. Uber сделал, "курдских деревень для размещения турок", "удалить христианского меньшинства в регионе, '' продвижение на запад миграции восточной популяции» и «военное положение объявляется« выделяется с такой политикой.

    ben rusça biliyorum kanka bilsem ingiliççe de çevirirdim
    Tümünü Göster
  10. 210.
    amina koduum, up demesini biliyorsun, ingilizce ögrenmesini bilmiyorsun
  11. 211.
    arapçaya çevirebilirim istersen? Haza 3raby, Haza Cemylun ^^
  12. 212.
    Okumaya useniyoruz aq ne cevirmesi care google translate *
  13. 213.
    üstteki tercümeler anlaşılmaz

    30 lira fiks yeminli tercümanım 7 dil biliyorum

    özele gel
  14. 214.
    +2 -3
    Among the Kurds 'from the growing nationalism' is transferred Concern. Republican period, the first Kurdish problem report is known as the Printed Sheikh Said rebellion followed in the light of the impression shared by touring the city on the east 10 Renda, Kurds in the region where the majority 'Turkification policies of the' ought to be savunuyor.k URT of giving their own language monitoring national belonging, a seen as blow Randa, Turkish speech 'incentives' for the region argues that the removal of difficulties in the works to speak Kurdish. Reports pointing to the key role of language, due to form the basis of the state's approach poses great importance.
    Also hidden in the region stated that the armament should be avoided Randa wants to be weakened tribes in the region.
    Diyarbakır (Ergani), Mardin, Siirt, Sanliurfa (Siverek), Tunceli (Dersim) governor for his acquired in a meeting based on the information you Uyba, Well Said rebellion provides the peace of the state's tough stance in the process of suppression, but the form that it was led to a backlash against the government by the public is located in the detection problem. You Uyba sees foreign forces behind the movement of Kurdish in the region, pointing to the role of Britain and France take the problem. Uybadın include solutions for the location given by the Kurdish issue in the report, there is also the policy of forced resettlement. Uber did, 'Kurdish villages to accommodate the Turks', 'remove the Christian minorities in the region,' 'the promotion of the westward migration of the eastern population' and 'martial law is declared' stands out with such policies.
    1. 1.
      adam cevirmis bide eksi vermissiniz oroßpu c0cukları
    2. 2.
      olm googleden çevirdim
  15. 215.
    google translate dısında yardımcı olan arkadaslara cok tesekkur
  16. 216.
    ikinci paragrafada biri el atarsa sevinirim arkadaslar upupupupupupu
  17. 217.
  18. 218.