/i/Yabancı Dil

    başlık yok! burası bom boş!
  1. 1.
    +20 -7
    Açıklama olarak ilk mesajı Türkçe yazıyorum, diğer mesajların tamamı ingilizce olacak, amaç ingilizce sohbet edip pratik yapmak. ingilizcem kötü vs. diye düşünmeyin yazın, ama bir yandan da kendinizi geliştirmeye çalışın.

    So how is everyone doing ?
  2. 2.
    +10 -2
    If i'm a loser man, you are a fucking higschool guy. Keep doing that swearing to our mothers for nothing. I just wanna lick ur mum's juicy pussy you little kid. It's not a topic about swearing or etc.
    1. 1.
      Sercunt inci is the biggest jew that you can ever think of,He can do everything for money.and the moderators are licking his ass. They all should be removed from here
      1. 1.
        So, what can i do? Why you telling this to me?
      2. 2.
        hey dude you are very good ı cant understand wrtıe lıttle bıt sımple talk with me yussanofabiç
      3. 3.
        SERCUNT cuntcuntcunt You made my day my friend
      4. diğerleri 1
  3. 3.
    Guys, i wanna do something with you. We can play games on steam or playin chess... ? We should do an activity together. And yeah, of course we will speak english when we doing something.
  4. 4.
    Speak English only in this topic. And don't feed the troll please.
  5. 5.
    Some guys are stealing our topic and concept. C'mon everybody, attack to their fucking stolen topics.