
  1. 1.
    Well said dude. I have just written an entry about it if it interests you.

    (bkz:  turkiyenin gelismemesinin nedeni bu zihniyettir)
    1. 1.
      I am glad to see that someone writes in English but you may know that in the site you can have trouble to find someone who knows English properly except some high school students they sweat to make a sentence..
      1. 1.
        i have finally found someone knows how to speak. there're lots of stupids tryin to argue with me when they have even no idea about what i wrote. it is good to see there are still educated ppl in here.

        Edit: smiley removed.
      2. 2.
        There is no doubt that we are very a few here and I am completely with you about the stupids. To get rid of this problem, you better write in ekşisözlük.com if you have an account.
    2. 2.
      Shut up stupid!
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