/i/Soruları Alayım

    başlık yok! burası bom boş!
  1. 1.
    like what? i guess not like "have you got a pussy?" hahahah. whatever,the fact is almost no one knows how to speak english. sad but true,you know. long story short "bu başlık tutmaz" :D and i have nothing to ask i just came here to talk *
    1. 1.
      Stfu bitch.u are speaking so irrevelant that i dont understand anything which you said.
    2. 2.
      you mean irrelevant

      before you criticizing people you must check what you write


      besides you would show my mistakes to me
      ı would be happier
    3. 3.
      as i said before i just came here to talk.so i wrote everything and i didn't write it for you to understand,you asshole.and you can't even speak properly dickhead. "which you said" hahahaha
    4. 4.
      shame on you motherfucker ı didn't say 'which you said'

      you better check it again
    5. 5.
      i was talking to "senhayirdirdegigib" :/
    6. 6.
      ohh sorry bro ı misunderstood you
    7. diğerleri 4
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