/i/Başıma Geldi

Hayatta başınıza gelenlerden ibaret değil midir?
  1. 1.
    Beyler burda ne anlatıyor google çeviriden bi tak anlaşılmıyo. ödeme alıcağım bir site vardı ordan geldi cevap olarak.

    Dear trendscouts,
    After the introduction of recommending-a-friend we have ascertained that WhitePins+ is a victim of misinterpreted recommending-a-friend.
    We have tried to intercept this fact during the commission but we did not manage it.
    Because of this, the recommending-a friend and the bonuses will be ceased until futher notice. All accounts will be checked concerning the IP-address during image comparisons. Moreover, further parameters according to the click behavior, with suspicion of twin accounts will be checked and also the verification of every account. During this period please do not open new support tickets because we have to answer those tickets which had been opened earlier.
    During this check we can not do any payouts.
    All WhitePins+ accounts are set on sleep mode. Sleep mode means that every trendscout can do image comparisons but he or she can not request any payouts.
    Only if all accounts are checked, WhitePins+ can proof that no money will be paid out to fake accounts.
    Those who are under suspicion will get an email and will be requested to give a statement. WhitePins+ reserves to close an account if there is a reasonable suspicion.
    Thank you.
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