1. 151.
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    yani beyler dopamin reseptörünüz fazla ise, beyniniz sigara ve 31 gibi şeylerle gibilip atılmamışsa,

    reseptörlerinizin dıbına koyulmamışsa

    hayattan zevk almak için daha fazla imkanınız olur demektir bu

    gözlerinizin içi güler, sosyal iletişimden, kızlarla konuşmaktan daha çok zevk alırsınız, çünkü zaten beyniniz azicik dopamin salgılasa, onu alıp beyninizde haz duygusunu tetikleyecek birsürü reseptörünüz vardir.

    dopamin reseptörü fazla olan insanların sosyal, kültürel ve bilimsel potansiyelleri yükselir..

    beyler aşağıdaki yazıyı iyi okuyun derim, beni daha iyi anlarsınız..


    Dr. Martinez and colleagues found that increased social status and increased social support correlated with the density of dopamine D2/D3 receptors in the striatum, a region of the brain that plays a central role in reward and motivation, where dopamine plays a critical role in both of these behavioral processes.
    The researchers looked at social status and social support in normal healthy volunteers who were scanned using positron emission tomography (PET), a technology that allowed them to image dopamine type 2 receptors in the brain.
    This data suggests that people who achieve greater social status are more likely to be able to experience life as rewarding and stimulating because they have more targets for dopamine to act upon within the striatum.
    Dr. Martinez explains their findings: "We showed that low levels of dopamine receptors were associated with low social status and that high levels of dopamine receptors were associated with higher social status. The same type of association was seen with the volunteer's reports of social support they experience from their friends, family, or significant other."
    1. 1.
      +182 -2
      amk burası boğaziçi işletme amfisi değil ki
    2. 2.
      +7 -1
      Beyler yazıyı okumaya üşendiyseniz özeti ~~:

      We showed that low levels of dopamine receptors were associated with low social status and that high levels of dopamine receptors were associated with higher social status.
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